Bananas are one of the best gifts nature has bestowed on us. Not only do they have a distinct flavour but also boast of several health benefits. They are packed with essential vitamins and minerals that promote health. They are also a great source of fiber and fast-acting carbohydrates that are super healthy. But did you know, what's even important and usable than the banana itself? It is the peel that we generally throw away. Banana peels can be used in more ways than one. If you haven't known its many uses, it is time you know what's in store.
Banana peels are equally healthy or may be healthier than the fruit itself
Banana peels are equally healthy or may be healthier than the fruit itself. Eating peels may reduce cholesterol levels and prevent cardiovascular diseases and strokes. In fact, the peel contains more fiber than the fruit. While some may like to eat these peels, there are many who just like to throw them. However, we suggest you store them instead and use them in the following ways.(Also read: 10 Versatile Ways Bananas Can Be Used)

- Whiten your teeth just by rubbing the inner part of the peel on them on a daily basis. It is due to the presence of potassium, manganese and magnesium that may help whiten them.
- They can make for great shoe polish. Just rub the inner side of the peel on your shoes and then wipe it off with a clean cloth. Your shoes will shine like never before.
- Banana peels rubbed on your pimples can help you get rid of them instantly.
- Peels act as a meat tenderizer. All you need to do is to add them as you marinate the meat and let it be for about half an hour. Banana peels provide the required moisture as you roast it making it juicy and tender.
- Peels can provide relief from itching and rashes on the skin. Just rub the affected area gently and notice the difference.
- If you have a kitchen garden, use banana peels as fertilizer and ensure a healthy growing plant. It is best to compost them first; this will help the soil to extract essential nutrients from the peels.
- You can easily blend the peels into a delicious smoothie or fry them and make some fritters.
So, don't discard these peels anymore, instead use them to avoid wastage. If you know any other way to use banana peels, then do let us know in the comments section below!
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