We Indians have a strong love affair with chai and we proudly accept that! Every chai lover has a favourite - some like to sip on a loaded masala chai, while others prefer a soothing adrak wali chai - no matter the choice of your beverage, we are all equally fascinated by the refreshing taste and rejuvenating powers of the humble cup of tea. There is one chai that hails from Kashmir that is known for its rosy colour and refreshing taste. Before you start the guessing game, let us help you out by revealing that it's none other than the Kashmiri noon chai. For the uninitiated, what makes Kashmiri noon chai one of its kinds is the fact that this tea is pink in colour, tastes salty, and uses baking soda in the preparation!

The luscious taste and the enticing aroma of the noon chai are undoubtedly enjoyed the best on lazy winter mornings in Kashmir, but that's not possible for all of us, is it? However, now you can easily try and make pink tea at home this winter season. It is considered a savior for the chilly winter months in the valley of Kashmir, and now it can help you warm up just the same right in your kitchen. Traditionally made with gunpowder tea leaves, you can use Kashmiri green tea for the preparation. A dash of dried rose petals and chopped dry fruits and nuts add a royal flavor to the tea, many also prefer changing salt to sugar and having a sweet noon cha, but we would suggest giving the salty soothing recipe a try before making any changes. Here is the recipe for you.
How To Make Kashmiri Noon Cha l Kashmiri Noon Chai Recipe:
The tea can be prepared with basic ingredients like tea leaves, milk, and salt or you can make a much authentic and flavorsome version with added whole spices and garnishes. Another thing to keep in mind is that the more you boil the water and soda concoction, the darker the hue would be. So for the most beautiful pink color, boil this in 2-3 stages, letting it reduce and then adding more water after every 10-15 minutes.
In a pan add whole spice, Kashmiri green tea, soda, and salt. Boil until reduced to half. Add water and repeat the same process. Add milk and serve hot.
Click here for the detailed ingredient list and the recipe for Kashmiri Noon Cha.
Try it out today and let us know how it turns out, in the comments below.