No matter how much we love garlic, we have to agree that peeling them makes for quite a tedious and messy affair. The very thought of peeling garlic is often enough to drop the idea of including garlic in the first place.
We have got some easy tips and tricks on how to peel garlic in under a few minutes.
How To Peel Garlic: Shake It
This method is helpful in peeling bunch of garlic bulbs together.1. Put a bulb of garlic on your counter. Make sure the shoots of the garlic are placing up. Now, with the bottom part of your hand, apply some pressure against the top of the bulb. This should help the cloves to separate easily.
2. You can use a hard bowl to strike against the top of the clove, too, if you think you are not able to apply desired pressure using your hand.
3. Once you have successfully separated the cloves, place them in between two metal or ceramic bowl.
4. Now, cover this bowl holding garlic clove with a lid or another bowl, held upside down. You can also throw in the cloves in a plastic container and tighten the lid from top.
5. Make sure there is enough room for the cloves to bang against each other, when you are shaking them. Which is why small to medium sized bowls work best, same goes for plastic containers.
6. Now, hold the bowl or container firmly and shake vigorously. When the garlic cloves slam against each other, the skin comes off easily.
7. As you are shaking the container, do make sure you can hear the garlic slamming against the sides of the container, this way you know that you are shaking the cloves well enough. Shake well for 4-5 minutes.
8. In the end, separate your bowls or open your bottle. Take out the cloves in a bowl. Their skins would be off. You may find some of your cloves that are still partially peeled, shake them again, until the skins come off completely.(Also Read: How To Ripen Kiwi: 8 Expert Tips To Ripen Kiwi At Home)

How To Peel Garlic: When the garlic slam against each other, their skin separates
How To Peel Garlic: Using Knife
If you want to peel a handful of garlic cloves, this method is ideal for you.
1. Make sure you have a chef's knife for this. Small and narrow knives are not as effective in the mode.
2. Place your clove on a flat board or a stable surface.
3. Place your knife on the clove, now very carefully place your palm on the knife's blade and smash the clove quickly. Be careful not to injure yourself. The sharp edge of the knife is not facing you. When you are placing your palm on the knife, push downwards, and make sure it is a quick blow. Don't push, too, hard and for, too, long. This would mash your garlic clove completely.
4. As you press the clove using the knife and your hand, you will see the peel coming off or break apart from the garlic clove.
5. Be very careful and prevent yourself from injuries. After the fourth step. Remove the knife. With the skin partially off, it will now separate easily from the clove. Use your hand to separate the rest of the garlic from its skin. (Also Read: How To Cut Watermelon: Step By Step Tutorial To Avoid The Fuss)

How To Peel Garlic: Place a knife over the clove and apply pressure on it with your palm
Follow these steps and peel garlic easily. If you have easier ways to peel garlic, do share with us in the comments section.
About Sushmita SenguptaSharing a strong penchant for food, Sushmita loves all things good, cheesy and greasy. Her other favourite pastime activities other than discussing food includes, reading, watching movies and binge-watching TV shows.