Shilpa Shetty Is A Big Foodie, And Her Lunch Scene On Set Is The Proof!


Shilpa Shetty's latest video will leave every foodie slurping. From delicious dosa to bonda to kulfi and paan, the spread has it all. Watch the video below.

Shilpa Shetty Is A Big Foodie, And Her Lunch Scene On Set Is The Proof!
Shilpa Shetty loves all kinds of foods!


  • Shilpa Shetty is a foodie.
  • The actress demanded a list of dishes to eat after already having 1 meal.
  • Read on to know more!

Stop whatever you are doing and head straight to Shilpa Shetty's Instagram timeline. Why, you ask? It is because the actress has posted a sneak peek of her lunch from a shoot and it looks oh-so-delicious! The video is a clear proof of Shilpa being a big foodie. When informed that lunch is in 45 minutes, Shilpa expresses her desire by saying, “I have to have the bonda vada. I have to have the rava dosa. I have to have sambar. I have to have the curd rice, and I have to have the crispy idli, and maybe the paniyaram.” Not stopping there, the star continues, “And if there is a kulfi, I might have kulfi.” When reminded about paan, Shilpa exclaims, “I will have the paan.” After that, Shilpa realises that somebody is video recording her and laughs. The girl standing next to her says, “This is after one lunch. Already one lunch is done and two breakfasts.” A few minutes later, we see Shilpa's partially eaten plate with all the delicacies she ordered. Towards the end, the actress is seen relishing kulfi, and then paan.

Also Read: Vacay Goals! Shilpa Shetty's Cheesy Meal In Italy Is Giving Us Major Inspo

Take a look at the video below:

If you also want to recreate Shilpa Shetty's South Indian spread, below are all the recipes that you will need: 

1. Vada 


A popular South Indian snack, vada is a deep-fried savoury doughnut-shaped dish made from lentil or gram flour. It is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, often served with coconut chutney or sambar. Click here for the recipe.

2. Rava Dosa


This is a type of dosa made from semolina or rava, rice flour, and all-purpose flour. It's known for its thin and crispy texture, and it's usually served with coconut chutney, sambar, or a spicy potato filling. Recipe here.

3. Sambar


A flavorful and tangy South Indian lentil-based vegetable stew, sambar is made with pigeon peas, tamarind, and a variety of vegetables like carrots, potatoes, and drumsticks. It's seasoned with spices like mustard seeds, fenugreek, and curry leaves. Want the recipe? Click here.

4. Curd Rice


Also known as thayir sadam, curd rice is a comforting South Indian dish made with cooked rice mixed with yoghurt or curd. It's often tempered with mustard seeds, curry leaves, and green chillies, and sometimes garnished with pomegranate seeds or grated carrots. Detailed recipe here.

5. Idli


It is a steamed rice cake made from fermented rice and urad dal batter. It's soft, fluffy, and light and served with coconut chutney and sambar. Idlis are a staple breakfast item in South India but enjoyed all over the country. Check out the recipe here.

6. Paniyaram

These are small, round, and fluffy dumplings made from fermented rice and lentil batter. They are cooked in a special pan with cavities and can be sweet or savoury. Paniyarams are often served with coconut chutney or a spicy tomato chutney. Here is the recipe in detail.

7. Kulfi

This traditional Indian frozen dessert is similar to ice cream but denser and creamier due to its preparation with reduced milk, sugar, and flavours like saffron, cardamom, or pistachio. It is served on a stick or in a small earthen pot. Here is the recipe.

8. Paan

A popular after-meal digestive in India, paan is made by wrapping betel leaves around a filling of areca nut, slaked lime, and various flavourings like fennel seeds, cardamom, and coconut. It's chewed for its refreshing and digestive properties. Find the recipe by clicking here.

Also Read: 'Breakfast Girl': Shilpa Shetty Began Her Morning With This Wholesome Meal

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