Legendary Bollywood screenwriter Javed Akhtar celebrated his 80th birthday on Friday. The celebration was attended by his friends and family, including Vidya Balan and her husband, Siddharth Roy Kapur. The couple presented a special customised cake to the veteran screenwriter, paying tribute to his most iconic films such as Sholay, Deewaar and Shaan. The highlight? The cake featured images of popular characters from these legendary movies, but with Javed Akhtar's face superimposed on them. The message on the cake read, "A man of character(s)." Sharing the picture of the cake on Instagram, Javed Akhtar's wife and veteran actress Shabana Azmi wrote, "Siddharth Roy Kapur and Vidya Balan's gift to Javed on his birthday. Look carefully at the cake. It's Javed's face in the characters. (sic)"
Bollywood celebs are seen following the themed-cake trend. Last year, when Sidharth Malhotra celebrated his birthday, his wife Kiara Advani shared a glimpse of his amazing birthday cake, which had a movie-themed design. On a fondant-covered base, a part of the cake was shaped like a film reel strip. The reel wasn't just coloured in black and white -- it was intricately designed to feature some of Sidharth's key roles over the years. One of the frames depicted his debut film, Student Of The Year. Atop the reel, a male figurine, surrounded by stars attached to sticks, was visible. In the video clip, we can see that the figurine can rotate in the centre. Alongside the reel, a box of popcorn (mostly shaped out of fondant and other edible ingredients) was placed on the base. Read the full story here.
Before that, Ananya Panday celebrated her 25th birthday with a Bollywood-themed cake. In a video shared on her Instagram Stories, the actress was seen cutting a two-tiered cake. Topped with a movie clapper, the base of the cake featured a film reel strip depicting what seemed like Ananya's movie roles through the years. Wondering which flavour? The slice of the cake revealed that it was chocolate-flavoured with ganache layering. Read in detail here.