On Republic Day 2025, President Droupadi Murmu hosted an "At Home" reception at Rashtrapati Bhavan. The event spotlighted traditional delicacies, textiles, and performances from the five southern states: Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Kerala. It was a melting pot of flavours, colours, and achievements. The event was attended by several dignitaries, including Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar, several Union ministers, as well as diplomats and eminent personalities from diverse fields. The Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto was also the chief guest for this year's Republic Day parade.
The guests were welcomed by a couple from one of the five southern states - Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Kerala - in their mother tongues while wearing the region's customes. The special invitees at the reception included 'drone didis', women achievers, agriculturists engaged in natural farming, and 'divyang' achievers. There was a brief performance of musicians from these states as well as a display of their textiles. Various dishes were served to the guests at the high tea. The "At Home" reception was inclusive for the 'divyangjan,' and there were people to assist them.
President Droupadi Murmu hosted "At Home" reception on the occasion of 76th Republic Day at Rashtrapati Bhavan. Apart from the important dignitaries, many eminent citizens who have made remarkable contributions in different fields shared space with the beneficiaries of various… pic.twitter.com/xfpcC6TVw3
— President of India (@rashtrapatibhvn) January 26, 2025
The high tea menu featured gongura pickle stuffed kuzhi paniyaram, (pan-fried fermented rice dumplings with sorrel leave pickle), Andhra mini-onion samosa, tomato peanut chutney (mini patti samosa filled with spiced onions), karuveppilai podi ghee mini ragi idli (steamed finger millet rice cakes, tossed in ghee and a curry leaf spice mix). The menu also included Udupi uddina vada (crispy doughnut-shaped lentil fritters), mini masala uttappam with podi (fermented rice pancakes with gun powder), kondakadalai sundal (tossed chic peas with spices), murukku, banana chips, and tapioca chips.
Dessert options included rawa kesari (sweet dish made with semolina, ghee, sugar and saffron), parippu pradaman (lentil coconut milk pudding with palm jaggery), mysore pak (dry sweet with condensed milk), dry fruit putharekalu (rice starch flaky pastry with jaggery and nuts) and ragi ladoo. To complement the food, guests were served beverages such as green vegetable juice, orange juice, tender coconut water, elaichi tea, Nilgiri filter coffee, and green tea.
The 'At Home' reception was a heartfelt homage to southern India's vibrant heritage, blending sumptuous cuisine with cultural elegance. With a notable guest list and hospitality traditions that left a lasting impression, the event captured the spirit of diversity and unity.