Food Awards


'Guardian' - 21 New Result(s)
  • Student Food: How to Cook Well on a Budget
    Student Food: How to Cook Well on a Budget

    Save on the store-cupboard basics so you can afford more fresh food. And there really are alternatives to pasta and rice. How does the oven work?Carl Williams, BIMM Conventional ovens work by radiating heat from a ...

  • How to Teach: World Food Day
    How to Teach: World Food Day

    The Guardian Teacher Network has resources this week, at harvest festival time, to help teach pupils about hunger around the world.Nearly one is six people around the world do not get enough food to be ...

  • Readers' Recipe Swap: Crumbles
    Readers' Recipe Swap: Crumbles

    This week Felicity Cloake referees a no-ingredients-barred crumble rumble. The oven mitts are off - and there can be only one winner.Few dishes are closer to my heart than crumble, but it's always tempting to ...

  • Why Do We Judge People by the Food They Eat?
    Why Do We Judge People by the Food They Eat?

    Guardian-reading muesli-eater or tortilla chip-crunching perfectionist? Can the food we like tell others about our personalities?Back in the day, there was a popular stereotype of the Guardian reader as a sandal-wearing muesli eater. I think ...

  • Ten kitchen tips every cook should know
    Ten kitchen tips every cook should know

    Browning meat is important, white sugar is boring - and don't get hung up on cooking temperatures. The Guardian's food writer Felicity Cloake shares the lessons she has learned the hard wayNo wonder I can't ...

  • Wine: English Wine Week
    Wine: English Wine Week

    Sparkling wines are obviously the highlight, but you can find some creditable rosés and even reds these days tooToday is the start of English Wine Week. Yes, I know that practically every type of wine ...

  • 14 Recipe Ideas for Leftover Milk
    14 Recipe Ideas for Leftover Milk

    We throw away 290,000 tonnes of milk a year - from soups to puddings, why not use it in a delicious recipe before it goes off?After writing this column for several months now, it would ...

  • World Cup 2014 food: Culinary Delights Our Readers Have Been Making Throughout the Tournament
    World Cup 2014 food: Culinary Delights Our Readers Have Been Making Throughout the Tournament

    Before the World Cup kicked off we asked our readers to send in their food images and recipes from the 32 countries that have taken part in the tournament. There have been plenty of creative ...

  • Wine: What to Drink With Indian Food
    Wine: What to Drink With Indian Food

    Next time you have a curry, give the lager a miss. There's a wine to match just about any dish an Indian cook could put in front of youDespite the fact that many Indian restaurants ...

  • How to Make Courgette, Walnut and Yogurt Mezze
    How to Make Courgette, Walnut and Yogurt Mezze

    About 12m caged chickens live miserably in Australian battery farms. We have a moral responsibility to act on it by avoiding cage eggs, but instead we choose to look awayIf you are a typical Guardian ...

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