Food Awards


'Influenza' - 22 New Result(s)
  • Study Finds No Link Between Flu During Pregnancy and Autism Risk
    Study Finds No Link Between Flu During Pregnancy and Autism Risk

    Researchers found no link between influenza in pregnant women and the risk of her child developing autism after birth, a US study said Monday.

  • Consuming Elderberries May Counter Influenza: Study
    Consuming Elderberries May Counter Influenza: Study

    Researchers performed a comprehensive examination of the mechanism by which phytochemicals, compounds that positively affect health, present in elderberries could tackle influenza infections.

  • Diabetes Management: How Diabetics Can Prevent Influenza During Monsoon
    Diabetes Management: How Diabetics Can Prevent Influenza During Monsoon

    Pre-diabetics as well as people with existing health conditions should also look at including electrolyte intake via energy drinks in their diet as they are at an increased risk of acid-base disorders and electrolyte disturbances.

  • Hong Kong to Slaughter 15,000 Chickens After Outbreak
    Hong Kong to Slaughter 15,000 Chickens After Outbreak

    As many as 15,000 chickens will be culled in Hong Kong to prevent an outbreak of bird flu.

  • Bird Flu Outbreak: How Safe is Poultry Consumption?
    Bird Flu Outbreak: How Safe is Poultry Consumption?

    From Hong Kong to China and Japan to the Unites States, bird-flu seems to be flying across continents affecting poultry and posing a severe threat to human wellness.

  • H5N8 Strain of Bird Flu Found in Taiwan
    H5N8 Strain of Bird Flu Found in Taiwan

    Taiwan's agriculture authority confirmed Sunday that the strain of bird flu found in a goose breeding facility was H5N8.

  • Bird Flu Hits Washington Again
    Bird Flu Hits Washington Again

    A third outbreak of avian flu has been detected in Washington state, prompting agriculture officials to warn bird owners to keep their flocks away from migratory birds that have spread viruses from Oregon to British ...

  • A New Antibody to Fight Flu Pandemics and Pneumonia
    A New Antibody to Fight Flu Pandemics and Pneumonia

    A latest study published in the journal Cell Reports, is one of the recent endeavours of arriving at better ways of tackling influenza pandemics as well as pneumonia.

  • Hand Washing Really Does Reduce Infection, Trial Scheme Finds
    Hand Washing Really Does Reduce Infection, Trial Scheme Finds

    Three-year study involving 20,000 adults shows increased washing of hands leads to drop in acute respiratory, influenza-type and gastronintestinal illnesses.

  • Swine Flu Death in Lucknow, Vigil Stepped up
    Swine Flu Death in Lucknow, Vigil Stepped up

    This is the second death in the state reported due to swine flu this year.

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