Food Awards

Mock meat

'Mock Meat' - 19 New Result(s)
  • Plant-Based Diet: Why Mock Meat Is Revolutionising The Food Industry - Expert Reveals
    Plant-Based Diet: Why Mock Meat Is Revolutionising The Food Industry - Expert Reveals

    Technological breakthroughs have allowed manufacturers to faithfully replicate the texture and consistency of meat in plant-based alternatives. Mock meat that is made entirely from plant derivatives have become the choice of food for vegans.

  • Believe It Or Not: Scientist Are Making Mock Meat Out Of Air And Soil - Find How
    Believe It Or Not: Scientist Are Making Mock Meat Out Of Air And Soil - Find How

    A recent video by World Economic Forum states that researchers at Finland are making meat-substitutes with air and soil.

  • Viral Video Shows 'Veg' Pomfret And 'Veg' Mutton Korma - Internet Not Convinced
    Viral Video Shows 'Veg' Pomfret And 'Veg' Mutton Korma - Internet Not Convinced

    An Instagram reel showing desi dishes made with mock meat has failed to win over the Internet. Read how people reacted below.

  • Wait? What?! Delhi Vendor Is Selling Veg Fish And Internet Is Extremely Confused
    Wait? What?! Delhi Vendor Is Selling Veg Fish And Internet Is Extremely Confused

    Yes, you heard it right! There exists a dish called veg fish and it has perturbed vegetarians and non-vegetarians equally!

  • Regular Meat Is Now Passe As Israeli Startup Comes Up With 3D Printed Vegan Meat
    Regular Meat Is Now Passe As Israeli Startup Comes Up With 3D Printed Vegan Meat

    'Redefine Meat' is an Israeli startup currently making strides in the industry of 3D printing plant-based meats. Take a look at their creations!

  • Vegetarians Should Try Meat Substitutes at Their Own Risk!
    Vegetarians Should Try Meat Substitutes at Their Own Risk!

    I distinctly remember the first time I tasted fake meat. The plate arrived with what looked like sausages - the shape was intact but the colour was a little pale. The taste was so revolting ...

  • Faux Meat FoodsThat Every Just-Turned Vegan Should Try
    Faux Meat FoodsThat Every Just-Turned Vegan Should Try

    With a well of plant-derived produce easily accessible, you can always pick up those foods that replicate the same texture, properties and taste of your once-revered meats.

  • Yes, It's True! 2-Ingredient Vegetarian Chicken Substitute May Blow Your Mind
    Yes, It's True! 2-Ingredient Vegetarian Chicken Substitute May Blow Your Mind

    High-Protein Diet: This easy chicken substitute is suitable for vegetarians and is made with two simple ingredients - flour and water!

  • Mock Meats on the Menu in Indian Restaurants
    Mock Meats on the Menu in Indian Restaurants

    From jack fruit patties to soyabean chops or 'vegetarian' chicken and fish - options for those seeking alternatives to meat are now available dime a dozen.

  • Five food items vegetarians can't stand
    Five food items vegetarians can't stand

    Vegetarians often get to hear how boring their life is sans meat. But eating fake meat all the time simply kills the appetite. There are vegetarian dishes that no longer excite people who stay miles ...

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