Food Awards

Natural living

'Natural Living' - 319 New Result(s)
  • 7 Amazing Benefits of Milk Thistle: For Strong Immunity & Better Digestion
    7 Amazing Benefits of Milk Thistle: For Strong Immunity & Better Digestion

    Milk thistle, or more commonly known as -silymarin- is a herb native to the Mediterranean countries. It has been in use for the past 2000 years.

  • 19 Home Remedies For Cold, Back Pain, Nausea And Other Common Ailments
    19 Home Remedies For Cold, Back Pain, Nausea And Other Common Ailments

    Nature offers the best medicines for various ailments. If you happen to suffer from cold, back pain, nausea and other common ailments every now and then, fret not, we've got you covered Let's look at ...

  • Here's How You Can Make Your Own Natural Toothpaste At Home!
    Here's How You Can Make Your Own Natural Toothpaste At Home!

    The commercial toothpastes you buy are loaded with chemicals that may harm your teeth in the long run. So, it is always good to resort to natural toothpaste that you can actually bring in to ...

  • Homemade Ginger Cough Drops In 10 Mins - You Just Need 2 Ingredients
    Homemade Ginger Cough Drops In 10 Mins - You Just Need 2 Ingredients

    Natural Cough Remedy: So, the next time you feel a cough coming on, skip the pharmacy and try this quick, two-ingredient recipe.

  • Bird Watching May Help You Reduce Stress and Anxiety
    Bird Watching May Help You Reduce Stress and Anxiety

    A neighborhood surrounded by trees and shrubs, with birds chirping all the time, may lower your chances of suffering from anxiety or stress, a new study revealed.

  • Vegan Diet: 4 Natural Sweeteners That Vegans May Add To Their Diet
    Vegan Diet: 4 Natural Sweeteners That Vegans May Add To Their Diet

    Vegans may not have a lot of options available when it comes to sweetening their foods and beverages, but there are some healthy, natural alternatives that may work, including date syrup, maple syrup etc.

  • Natural Healing: 7 Everyday Foods That Are Also Effective Antiseptics
    Natural Healing: 7 Everyday Foods That Are Also Effective Antiseptics

    Natural antiseptics can help by providing immediate aid against infections at the convenience of your kitchen. Here are some ingredients with antiseptic properties.

  • Natural Blood Purifiers: 8 Foods You Must Add To Your Daily Diet To Purify Blood
    Natural Blood Purifiers: 8 Foods You Must Add To Your Daily Diet To Purify Blood

    Your blood is responsible for a lot of things; ranging from transporting oxygen, hormones, sugar, fats and cells to your immune system to cleansing your body system and further keep it moving

  • Healthy Cooking Tips: How To Make Date Paste To Replace Sugar In Desserts
    Healthy Cooking Tips: How To Make Date Paste To Replace Sugar In Desserts

    The naturally sweet taste of dates is what makes it a great alternative for refined sugar. Ripened dates have 80 per cent sugar content. Make the all-natural date paste for sweetening healthy desserts and sweet ...

  • Winter Diet Tips: How To Build Immunity Naturally With These Foods (Watch)
    Winter Diet Tips: How To Build Immunity Naturally With These Foods (Watch)

    Our body performs various kinds of processes and it is important to take care of our body for it to perform properly.

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