Food Awards

Peanut allergy

'Peanut Allergy' - 17 New Result(s)
  • Patch for Peanut Allergy Found Beneficial for Children
    Patch for Peanut Allergy Found Beneficial for Children

    Researchers have come up with a new wearable patch for skin that claims to treat children and young adults with peanut allergy, finds a study.

  • Using peanuts to cure peanut allergy
    Using peanuts to cure peanut allergy

    Doctors said Thursday they could treat peanut allergy by feeding children the very thing their bodies reject, so building tolerance that could save a life in case of accidential ingestion.Small doses of peanut powder taken ...

  • Infants Sensitive to Peanuts May Not Be Allergic to It
    Infants Sensitive to Peanuts May Not Be Allergic to It

    Infants who are peanut-sensitised or have peanut allergy are not necessarily allergic, suggests a new study.

  • New Guidelines: Introduce Peanuts to Infants Early to Prevent Allergies
    New Guidelines: Introduce Peanuts to Infants Early to Prevent Allergies

    Parents may be able to reduce the chance that their children will develop peanut allergies by introducing the food early on, as young as four to six months of age, experts now say.

  • How To Check If You Have A Peanut Allergy?
    How To Check If You Have A Peanut Allergy?

    Food allergy may be a common condition but only those who go through it can understand how it wreaks havoc on your health and upsets your daily eating habits.

  • Peanut Allergy In Kids? Here's How You Can Reduce Allergic Reactions (Study)
    Peanut Allergy In Kids? Here's How You Can Reduce Allergic Reactions (Study)

    Exposing children to a small, regular dose of an allergen (in this case peanut) in a real-world setting (outside of a clinical trial) is effective in reducing the risk of allergic reactions.

  • UK Woman Purchases 48 Packets Of Peanut While On Flight - Here's Why
    UK Woman Purchases 48 Packets Of Peanut While On Flight - Here's Why

    UK-based Leah Williams had to purchase 48 packets of peanuts on her flight due to her peanut allergy.

  • A Simple Blood Test May Determine Peanut Allergy
    A Simple Blood Test May Determine Peanut Allergy

    Soon, a simple blood test may be able to tell whether a person's allergy for peanuts has totally been shut off. Until now, doctors could not test whether patients who had completed immunotherapy for peanut ...

  • You Could Soon Say Goodbye to Peanut Allergy
    You Could Soon Say Goodbye to Peanut Allergy

    The world of science bears a happy news for those who are allergic to peanuts. According to a latest study published in the journal Food and Bioprocess Technology, scientists have successfully experimented to remove 80 ...

  • Kids With Asthma May Have Peanut Allergy
    Kids With Asthma May Have Peanut Allergy

    The findings suggest that parents should get their asthmatic kids tested for peanut allergy too.

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