Food Awards

Risk Of Diabetes

Risk Of Diabetes - 62 News Result(s)
  • Eat a Bowl of Fresh Fruits Every Day to Reduce Your Risk of Diabetes
    Eat a Bowl of Fresh Fruits Every Day to Reduce Your Risk of Diabetes

    A new study published in the journal PLOS Medicine shows that eating fruits daily may also help in reducing the risk of diabetes significantly.

  • Low-Carb Diets May Lower Diabetes Risk Even In Absence Of Weight Loss: Study
    Low-Carb Diets May Lower Diabetes Risk Even In Absence Of Weight Loss: Study

    A new study has now shown that low-carbohydrate diets may have benefits for people who are at risk of developing Type-2 diabetes, even if there is no weight loss.

  • Getting Enough Omega-3 May Cut Risk of Diabetic Retinopathy
    Getting Enough Omega-3 May Cut Risk of Diabetic Retinopathy

    For adults with type 2 diabetes, following a Mediterranean diet including at least two servings of fatty fish per week may lower the risk of diabetic retinopathy, according to an observational study from Spain.

  • Can Long Naps Cause Diabetes?
    Can Long Naps Cause Diabetes?

    A study presented at a scientific congress, reported a link between long naps and a higher risk of diabetes, though it couldn't say if daytime sleeping was a symptom or a cause.

  • Stress Puts You at The Risk of Diabetes
    Stress Puts You at The Risk of Diabetes

    What might earlier have been an assumption or a hypothesis is now a fact. The stress of moving from a rural setting to an urban one in developing countries puts people at the risk of ...

  • Sleep Right: Improper Bedtime Can Increase Risks of Diabetes & Kidney Disease
    Sleep Right: Improper Bedtime Can Increase Risks of Diabetes & Kidney Disease

    Lack of sleep can inflict lasting damage on your body, increasing the risk of diabetes, as well as kidney disease.

  • Vegan Diet Boosts Gut Microbes That Cause Weight Loss, Lower Risk Of Diabetes, Says Preliminary Study
    Vegan Diet Boosts Gut Microbes That Cause Weight Loss, Lower Risk Of Diabetes, Says Preliminary Study

    A new short-term study has said that consuming a vegan diet or a diet entirely based on plant-based foods may boost the microbiome, resulting in lowered risk of diabetes and improved regulation of weight.

  • Know How Weekend Nap Time Could Cut Diabetes Risk
    Know How Weekend Nap Time Could Cut Diabetes Risk

    A new study done by the University of Chicago states that two consecutive nights of -catch up- sleep on the weekend can reverse the increased risk of diabetes associated with short-term sleep deficit during the ...

  • Breastfeeding May Reduce Mother's Risk of Diabetes: Study
    Breastfeeding May Reduce Mother's Risk of Diabetes: Study

    Breastfeeding has the potential to reduce the long-term risk of developing Type 2 diabetes among women with gestational diabetes, and is a cost-effective intervention, says a study.

  • 7 Things You Should Do Regularly to Reduce the Risk of Diabetes
    7 Things You Should Do Regularly to Reduce the Risk of Diabetes

    Through lifestyle behavioural changes and healthier choices made early in life, diabetes can be prevented. Here are 7 tips to help reduce your risk.

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