
Weight managment

'Weight Managment' - 99 New Result(s)
  • Weight Loss: These 5 Kitchen Essential Indian Spices May Help You Manage Weight
    Weight Loss: These 5 Kitchen Essential Indian Spices May Help You Manage Weight

    There are several spices, which if consumed on a regular basis, can help be of great help.

  • Basics You Should Know Before You Start a Weight-Loss Diet
    Basics You Should Know Before You Start a Weight-Loss Diet

    If you've tried different kinds of diets and haven't been satisfied with the results, then maybe you've been doing it all wrong! Before taking on a weight-loss program, there are certain things you should know. ...

  • Expert Reveals: How Hypnosis Helps With Weight-Loss
    Expert Reveals: How Hypnosis Helps With Weight-Loss

    Does hypnosis for weight-loss really work or is it just a marketing gimmick?Losing weight can be a frustrating and challenging journey for some people; mostly because they follow an inconsistent dieting pattern which usually goes ...

  • What Is Binge Eating Disorder? 6 Ways People With Eating Order Can Manage Weight
    What Is Binge Eating Disorder? 6 Ways People With Eating Order Can Manage Weight

    Managing weight in individuals with binge eating disorder is a difficult task that requires a comprehensive approach. Read on.

  • Focus on Quality, Not Quantity, of Food to Stay Slim
    Focus on Quality, Not Quantity, of Food to Stay Slim

    Have you come across a few people who never seem to worry about weight and yet manage to stay slim?

  • Weight Loss Vs Fat Loss: What Is The Difference? Which One Is More Effective?
    Weight Loss Vs Fat Loss: What Is The Difference? Which One Is More Effective?

    Is just losing weight enough or do we need to lose fat as well? Does losing fat translate into weight loss? Let's find the answer.

  • Active Commuting Can Help You Lose Weight
    Active Commuting Can Help You Lose Weight

    Ditch your car and take a walk to your college or hop on the bus to reach your workplace. A latest study shows how active commuting can help you fight off your weight woes. A ...

  • Volumetrics Diet: The Low-Calorie Diet That Is Believed To Help Lose Weight
    Volumetrics Diet: The Low-Calorie Diet That Is Believed To Help Lose Weight

    What's losing weight without dieting? It has recently changed into resorting to fad diets like sleeping beauty diet and now the volumetrics diet.

  • Eat More Pulses to Lose Weight
    Eat More Pulses to Lose Weight

    It is a well-known fact that pulses and lentils are primary sources of protein. They are light on the stomach, aide in digestion and have a low glycemic index, which means that these take more ...

  • 5 out of 10 Urban Indians are Trying to Lose Weight
    5 out of 10 Urban Indians are Trying to Lose Weight

    Studies since 2012 have estimated that over 74% of urban Indians are overweight (i.e. BMI over 23 kg/m2). A recent survey conducted by Fitho, a leading wellness services organization, showed that along with increasing weight, ...

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