Food Awards

Anjeer for weight loss

'Anjeer For Weight Loss' - 3 New Result(s)
  • Fig Water For Weight Loss: How This Incredible Drink Can Help You Shed Kilos
    Fig Water For Weight Loss: How This Incredible Drink Can Help You Shed Kilos

    Want to lose weight faster? Try adding fig water to your diet for quicker results.

  • Anjeer (Fig) For Weight Loss: How To Use This Fruit To Lose Weight
    Anjeer (Fig) For Weight Loss: How To Use This Fruit To Lose Weight

    Losing weight is all about eating healthy and including low fat and low-calorie foods in your regular diet. One such food is fig (or anjeer), which helps stimulate weight loss and consuming it as a ...

  • Figs (Anjeer) - A Nutritious Treat That You Must Consume; Here?s Why
    Figs (Anjeer) - A Nutritious Treat That You Must Consume; Here?s Why

    Figs are usually eaten fresh and raw, and also in the dried form;they are called anjeer in Hindi.

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