
Bad Mood

Bad Mood - 4 News Result(s)
  • Bad mood triggers hunger for junk food - New study
    Bad mood triggers hunger for junk food - New study

    Have you ever wondered why you reach out for junk food when you're in a trashy mood? Researchers have found an answer to this mood swing by combining two theories.  One theory is 'affective regulation' ...

  • No Smoke Without Fire
    No Smoke Without Fire

    I am normally prone to being quite liberal and forgiving in my views about the world at large.  And that sentiment extends to restaurant food too. If a meal is below par, it could be ...

  • 15 Best Goan Recipes | Popular Goan Recipes
    15 Best Goan Recipes | Popular Goan Recipes

    Goan Recipes: Goa's got everything a hot tourist destination does: sun, sand, beach and most importantly, good food. Authentic Goan food is one of the biggest reasons tourists flock to this glorious state. It's spunky; ...

  • Go Hungry to Make Better Life Decisions
    Go Hungry to Make Better Life Decisions

    It's a common belief that hunger can exemplify a bad mood, spark irrational behaviour and cause great distress. But this new study that was published in the journal PLOS One (Public Library of Science) seems ...

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