
Beetroot Snacks

Beetroot Snacks - 1 Recipes Result(s)
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    • 20 mins
Beetroot Snacks - 3 News Result(s)
  • Beetroot Tikki, Beetroot Cutlet And More: 5 Beetroot Snacks That You Must Try
    Beetroot Tikki, Beetroot Cutlet And More: 5 Beetroot Snacks That You Must Try

    With so many benefits of beetroot, here we bring you 5 winter special beetroot snack recipes that are very delicious, quick and easy to make. Take a look.

  • Watch: Make These Beetroot Kebab For A Healthy And Delicious Snack
    Watch: Make These Beetroot Kebab For A Healthy And Delicious Snack

    If you think healthy food cant be tasty, then this crispy beetroot kebab will change your mind.

  • 3 Crispy And Healthy Beetroot Tikkis You Won't Be Able to Resist
    3 Crispy And Healthy Beetroot Tikkis You Won't Be Able to Resist

    Beetroot Tikkis are a healthy snack that you can easily customise to your taste. Get started with our quick recipes.

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