Food Awards

Blood Pressure Control

Blood Pressure Control - 5 News Result(s)
  • 5 Everyday Foods That May Help Manage High Blood Pressure (With Diet Tips)
    5 Everyday Foods That May Help Manage High Blood Pressure (With Diet Tips)

    If your blood pressure levels are unchecked and high for a long period of time, it might lead to serious health problems such as heart attack, stroke, heart failure, or even kidney failures.

  • 70 Per Cent of Home Blood Pressure Monitors are Inaccurate: Study
    70 Per Cent of Home Blood Pressure Monitors are Inaccurate: Study

    Seventy per cent of digital blood pressure monitors used at homes are "unacceptably inaccurate", and could cause serious implications for people who rely on them.

  • Get a Grip on High Blood Pressure: This Simple Hand Exercise Can Help
    Get a Grip on High Blood Pressure: This Simple Hand Exercise Can Help

    Hand-grip exercises - squeezing one of those V-shape devices with a resistance spring - can lower your blood pressure by about 10 percent.

  • High Blood Pressure: Expert Reveals 4 Important Foods To Manage Hypertension
    High Blood Pressure: Expert Reveals 4 Important Foods To Manage Hypertension

    Diet happens to play a critical role in managing blood pressure. Here are four foods that can help to manage the same.

  • Halasana, the Miracle Pose that Helps Reduce Blood Pressure
    Halasana, the Miracle Pose that Helps Reduce Blood Pressure

    'Hal' stands for 'plow' and 'Asana' stands for 'pose'. Halasana or 'the plough pose' takes its name from the farming instrument, plough, used by farmers across India.

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