Breathing Problem | Know All About Breathing Problem at NDTV Food

Breathing Problem

Breathing Problem - 12 News Result(s)
  • Polluted Smog Covers Pakistani City of Lahore
    Polluted Smog Covers Pakistani City of Lahore

    Heavy smog loaded with pollutants has covered several urban and rural areas in eastern Pakistan, prompting breathing problems, and causing more than 20 deaths in traffic accidents caused by poor visibility on highways, officials and ...

  • Preemies May Have Long-Term Breathing Problems
    Preemies May Have Long-Term Breathing Problems

    Even preemies who receive breathing treatments to improve lung function early in life may have respiratory challenges as children and adolescents, an Australian study suggests.

  • Can Sleep Disorders Increase the Risk of Stroke?
    Can Sleep Disorders Increase the Risk of Stroke?

    People with sleep disorders like insomnia and sleep apnea are more likely to have a stroke or recovery problems after having one than those who get sound sleep, says a study.

  • Over 90% Of World Breathing Bad Air: WHO
    Over 90% Of World Breathing Bad Air: WHO

    Nine out of 10 people globally are breathing poor quality air, the World Health Organization said Tuesday, calling for dramatic action against pollution that is blamed for more than six million deaths a year.

  • Sleep Apnea Tied to Diabetes and Hypertension During Pregnancy
    Sleep Apnea Tied to Diabetes and Hypertension During Pregnancy

    Pregnant women who experience certain breathing problems during sleep may be more likely to develop complications like high blood pressure and diabetes, recent U.S. research suggests.

  • People Suffering from Asthma Are More Prone to Catch Flu
    People Suffering from Asthma Are More Prone to Catch Flu

    An asthmatic patient's immune system is less likely to trigger reaction against flu virus as compared to a non-asthmatic person, says a new study.

  • A Kids' Virus You Should Know About
    A Kids' Virus You Should Know About

    Respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, is very common, with infections occurring in 90 percent of children before their second birthday.

  • How to Manage Asthma, Which Can Be Triggered by Exercise, Dogs, Even Cold Air
    How to Manage Asthma, Which Can Be Triggered by Exercise, Dogs, Even Cold Air

    At their worst, asthma attacks can mean a sudden trip to the emergency room. These can be scary episodes in their own right, but they also disrupt everyday life, interfering with sleep, school or work ...

  • Are You Obsessed With Hygiene? It Could Increase Your Asthma Risk
    Are You Obsessed With Hygiene? It Could Increase Your Asthma Risk

    Canadian researchers have found that children with access to clean drinking water may be at an increased risk of developing asthma in childhood than those who do not.

  • How to Do Anulom Vilom: A Pranayam Technique For Breathing Problems
    How to Do Anulom Vilom: A Pranayam Technique For Breathing Problems

    Anulom Vilom, also known as the alternate breathing technique, is excellent for respiratory problems and asthma. It facilitates proper functioning of the lungs, mitigates stress, lifts up your mood and keeps stress at bay.

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