
Burmese Khow Suey

Burmese Khow Suey - 1 Recipes Result(s)
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    • 45 mins
Burmese Khow Suey - 2 News Result(s)
  • The Fascinating Tale Of Surat's Khavsa - A Gujarati-Style Khow Suey You Must Try
    The Fascinating Tale Of Surat's Khavsa - A Gujarati-Style Khow Suey You Must Try

    This unique recipe has noodles, Gujarati Papdi, spring onions, some chutneys, chaat masala and the main ingredient - thick coconut gravy. Read on.

  • Khow Suey - The Authentic Burmese One-Pot Meal, Ideal For Changing Weather
    Khow Suey - The Authentic Burmese One-Pot Meal, Ideal For Changing Weather

    Khow Suey Recipe: The Burmese Khow Suey is one such dish which is a must-have during the period of change of season.

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