Food Awards

Cancer In Women

Cancer In Women - 4 News Result(s)
  • One in Every Eight Men May Develop Cancer
    One in Every Eight Men May Develop Cancer

    One out of eight men and one out of nine women have the possibility of developing cancer in their lifetime, the government has revealed.

  • Don't Just Sit: Longer Leisure Time May Increase the Risk of Cancer in Women
    Don't Just Sit: Longer Leisure Time May Increase the Risk of Cancer in Women

    Spending more leisure time sitting is linked with higher risk of cancer, including breast and ovarian cancers in women, says a study.

  • Daily Glass of Wine Raises Risk of Breast Cancer in Women
    Daily Glass of Wine Raises Risk of Breast Cancer in Women

    US study finds light drinking linked only to minimal increase in risk of all cancers but daily drink raises chances of breast cancer for women significantly.

  • Adding Omega-3 Fatty Acids to Your Diet May Cut Breast Cancer Risk
    Adding Omega-3 Fatty Acids to Your Diet May Cut Breast Cancer Risk

    A new study reveals that foodsrich in Omega-3 fatty acids are likely to reduce the risk of breast cancer in women who are obese and in post-menopausal phase.

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