Bolstering the know how behind targeted cancer treatment, Indian scientists have offered a new rationale for combination drug therapy for ovarian and breast cancer, which they say can counter drug resistance and reduce side-effects.
Common complementary therapies found to have serious drug interactions or reduce the effectiveness of chemotherapy or radiation treatmentThe complementary therapies that cancer patients most commonly mention to doctors all potentially jeopardise the...
According to a new study done, patients with early stage pancreatic cancer have more chances to live longer if they receive radiotherapy at a high enough dose.
Scientists have developed a whole new class of drugs that, for the first time, targets the structure of the cancer cell, paving way for new treatments to tackle the disease.Researchers at the University of New ...
Swiss researchers claim that they have come up with artificial designer viruses that can work in tandem with the immune system to kill specific cancer cells.
Argentine Tango dance may significantly improve balance and reduce the risk of falls among cancer patients post treatment, a new study has claimed.
The new version of canSAR database uses artificial intelligence to identify nooks and crannies on the surface of faulty cancer-causing molecules.
Researchers from Aarhus University in Denmark have developed ten new antibodies that can be used in the battle against cancer.
According to a new study done, men who undergo testosterone-lowering therapy for the treatment of prostate cancer may be at an increased risk of dementia.
For patients with advanced cancer, palliative care should start early and be an integral part of treatment, not just something added on near the end of life, according to a new practice guideline from the ...