Mira Kapoor took to Instagram to share a snapshot of her evening out in Colaba, Mumbai. She also visited a famous cafe in the area.
Colaba's beloved dining hotspot has a fabulous new menu, curated by Chef Will Aghajanian.
Mumbai or the erstwhile Bombay was originally an archipelago of seven islands. Colaba, Little Colaba or Old Woman's Island, Isle of Bombay, Mazgaon, Mahim, Worli and Parel. These were connected to each other through a ...
Polished service, authentic pizzas and terrific desserts, Colaba's Pizza Express serves it right; the ideal year-ender treat for Mumbai's foodies.Writing a bad review is easier because the expressions of the unpleasant are much wider and ...
Flurys Mumbai: Kolkata's iconic brand recently opened a tearoom near the Gateway of India. Here's what to expect.