Food Awards

Colorectal cancer

'Colorectal Cancer' - 7 New Result(s)
  • Your Unhealthy Lifestyle Habits May Put You at Colorectal Cancer Risk
    Your Unhealthy Lifestyle Habits May Put You at Colorectal Cancer Risk

    According to a new study, sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet, drinking, smoking, etc can increase risk of colorectal cancer or colon cancer.

  • Diet Rich In Refined Carbs, Red Meats Linked With Increased Risk Of Colorectal Cancer: Study
    Diet Rich In Refined Carbs, Red Meats Linked With Increased Risk Of Colorectal Cancer: Study

    A new study has now linked the consumption of inflammatory diets with increased risk of colorectal cancer, which is the fourth most-frequent cancer worldwide.

  • One-Two Cups of Coffee Daily May Cut Colorectal Cancer Risk
    One-Two Cups of Coffee Daily May Cut Colorectal Cancer Risk

    Caffeine and polyphenol compounds present in coffee can act as antioxidants, limiting the growth of potential colon cancer cells.

  • Common Food Additive Found In Chewing Gums And Mayonnaise Linked Colorectal Cancer: Study
    Common Food Additive Found In Chewing Gums And Mayonnaise Linked Colorectal Cancer: Study

    The scientists said that E171 is consumed in high proportion everyday by the general population and can be found in more than 900 food products.

  • A Vegetarian Diet with Seafood Can Lower the Risks of Colon Cancer
    A Vegetarian Diet with Seafood Can Lower the Risks of Colon Cancer

    It was found that a combination of vegetables along with seafood consumption significantly helped in cutting short risks of colorectal cancers.

  • High-Fibre Diet Linked To Lower Colon Cancer Risk, Expert Reveals
    High-Fibre Diet Linked To Lower Colon Cancer Risk, Expert Reveals

    Colorectal cancer is the seventh most common cancer diagnosed in both men and women in India. Risk factors include sedentary lifestyle, obesity, tobacco use, low fibre diet and alcohol consumption.

  • Yet Another Benefit of the Mediterranean Diet: It May Cut Cancer Risk by 86%
    Yet Another Benefit of the Mediterranean Diet: It May Cut Cancer Risk by 86%

    Consuming a Mediterranean diet while decreasing the intake of soft drinks may help prevent the risk of developing colorectal cancer by nearly 86 per cent, says study.

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