Food Awards

Cooking classes

'Cooking Classes' - 5 New Result(s)
  • Tools, Classes Can Help People with Impaired Vision Navigate the Kitchen
    Tools, Classes Can Help People with Impaired Vision Navigate the Kitchen

    For many people without good vision, navigating a kitchen can be a daunting prospect that can dramatically affect daily living.

  • The Knead to Cook: 6 Cooking Courses in Delhi You Should Check Out
    The Knead to Cook: 6 Cooking Courses in Delhi You Should Check Out

    To learn what I learnt over a year in just a few days, join a great cooking course!

  • Attention Pizza Lovers, Here's Your Chance To Be Your Own Pizzaiolo At Leo's 621
    Attention Pizza Lovers, Here's Your Chance To Be Your Own Pizzaiolo At Leo's 621

    Now you can make your pizza and eat it too, at Leo's 621 in Ghitorni, Delhi.

  • 5 Exciting Cooking Workshops for Kids This Summer
    5 Exciting Cooking Workshops for Kids This Summer

    Here is a list of a few cooking workshops in Delhi for your kids this Summer.

  • Learning World Cuisines Through Culinary Clubs
    Learning World Cuisines Through Culinary Clubs

    As the fragrance of masala-fried prawns wafts through the room, a discerning audience diligently takes quick notes of the instructions given by the chef to ensure the coating is crisp and not burnt. What would ...

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