Food Awards

Death Risk

Death Risk - 14 News Result(s)
  • Poverty Versus Obesity and Alcohol: What's More Deadly for Your Life?
    Poverty Versus Obesity and Alcohol: What's More Deadly for Your Life?

    A new study reveals that people living in poverty are at a higher death risk than obese people and alcoholics.

  • Beware! High Intake Of These Foods May Increase Death Risk (Study)
    Beware! High Intake Of These Foods May Increase Death Risk (Study)

    We all have been told time and again that these processed foods are not too beneficial for health, but a recent revelation by a new research gives us more reasons to worry and shun these ...

  • Can Spicy Food Really Help You Live Longer?
    Can Spicy Food Really Help You Live Longer?

    Include more fresh and dried chilli pepper in your diet as eating spicy foods daily has now been linked to a lower risk of death from cancer, heart and lung diseases and diabetes.

  • Zinc Deficiency In COVID-19 Patients May Increase Death Risk; Eat These Zinc-Rich Foods For Strong Immunity
    Zinc Deficiency In COVID-19 Patients May Increase Death Risk; Eat These Zinc-Rich Foods For Strong Immunity

    Coronavirus Update: A recent scientific study linked low level of zinc in the body to higher death risk in people grappling with COVID-19.

  • Being Overweight Does Not Carry Higher Death Risk
    Being Overweight Does Not Carry Higher Death Risk

    Those who are overweight need not worry - it does not necessarily carry a higher death risk, say researchers from the University of California-Davis.Compared to those with normal weight, people who were overweight or obese ...

  • Having Children May Help Increase the Life Span of Parents: Study
    Having Children May Help Increase the Life Span of Parents: Study

    According to a new study, men and women with at least one child had lower death risks than those without. And fathers gained more in life expectancy than mothers.

  • Indian Women At High Death Risk From Diabetes: Eat These Foods To Manage Diabetes Naturally
    Indian Women At High Death Risk From Diabetes: Eat These Foods To Manage Diabetes Naturally

    According to a recent study, led by the Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee, diabetes has significantly increased the risk of premature death, especially in women and middle-aged people.

  • Nuts Reduce Death Risk, Says Study
    Nuts Reduce Death Risk, Says Study

    Consuming nuts at least seven times a week can reduce risk of death from any cause by 20 percent, says a new study.The study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), also establishes ...

  • Moderate Drinking May Cut Death Risk In Early Alzheimer's
    Moderate Drinking May Cut Death Risk In Early Alzheimer's

    Consumption of two-three units of alcohol every day was associated with a 77 percent lowered risk of death compared with a tally of one or fewer daily unit.

  • Diabetes May Increase Death Risk from Cancer Among Asians by 26%
    Diabetes May Increase Death Risk from Cancer Among Asians by 26%

    A study suggests that Type 2 diabetes is linked with a 26 percent increase in the risk of death from cancers of either thyroid, kidney, liver and prostate amongst Asians.

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