Food Awards

Desk job

'Desk Job' - 3 New Result(s)
  • Jobs Involving Long Sitting Hours May Increase Heart Risk and Waist Size
    Jobs Involving Long Sitting Hours May Increase Heart Risk and Waist Size

    Those who have desk-bound jobs are at a higher risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and becoming obese. Every additional hour of sitting on top of five hours is deadly.

  • Unable To Avoid Cravings During Office Hours? Follow These 3 Eating Habits
    Unable To Avoid Cravings During Office Hours? Follow These 3 Eating Habits

    If you are someone who has a regular 9-to-5 desk job, then you must keep a watch on your lifestyle and eating habits. People with sitting jobs or desk jobs are more prone to have ...

  • Knees Hurting at Young Age? Watch Your Steps
    Knees Hurting at Young Age? Watch Your Steps

    According to orthopaedic surgeons, although poor lifestyle, lack of exercise and a desk job do harm knees, being a fitness freak and trying to gain maximum output over weekends in the gym can hurt the ...

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