Food Awards

Dessert under 30 mins

'Dessert Under 30 Mins' - 2 New Result(s)
  • Beat The Heat With These 5 Kulfi Recipes Ready Under 30 Mins
    Beat The Heat With These 5 Kulfi Recipes Ready Under 30 Mins

    Now, you can quickly whip street-style flavourful kulfis at home in just under 30 minutes, with these five easy and delicious recipes.

  • Indulge In Chocolatey Desserts With These 5 Quick Recipes Ready In 30 Mins
    Indulge In Chocolatey Desserts With These 5 Quick Recipes Ready In 30 Mins

    To satisfy our sweet desires, we have found the recipes for five chocolate desserts that can be easily prepared under 30 minutes.

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