Food Awards

Eczema causes

'Eczema Causes' - 3 New Result(s)
  • Skin Health: Vitamin D May Help Lower Eczema Risks In Children; Diet Tips By Expert
    Skin Health: Vitamin D May Help Lower Eczema Risks In Children; Diet Tips By Expert

    While we all are being extra cautious about stepping out of houses in this pandemic situation, food can play an important role to provide you and the children at home with the daily dose of ...

  • Children With Severe Eczema Are More Likely To Develop Food Allergies: Study
    Children With Severe Eczema Are More Likely To Develop Food Allergies: Study

    Young kids with serious eczema and infected with Staphylococcus aureus (SA), are more likely to have food allergies.

  • Excess Salt Intake May Affect Your Skin Health: Study; 5 Tips To Reduce Salt Intake
    Excess Salt Intake May Affect Your Skin Health: Study; 5 Tips To Reduce Salt Intake

    The study of more than 2,15,000 people found that each additional gram of sodium excreted in urine over 24 hours was associated with 11 per cent higher odds of an eczema diagnosis.

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