

Environment - 116 News Result(s)
  • Environment Shapes Our Immune System
    Environment Shapes Our Immune System

    Family history and environment of the residential area are responsible for the differences between individual immune systems, a study has found.

  • On World Environment Day, PM Modi Plants a Sapling
    On World Environment Day, PM Modi Plants a Sapling

    Marking the World Environment Day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi today planted a sapling at the lawns of his Race Course Road residence and exhorted people to work towards protecting the environment for the sake of ...

  • World Environment Day 2022: How To Build An Eco-Conscious Kitchen
    World Environment Day 2022: How To Build An Eco-Conscious Kitchen

    Echoing this year's theme of World Environment Day i.e. Only One Earth, listed below are some tips for an eco-conscious kitchen setting.

  • World Environment Day 2015: 8 Environment-Friendly Eating Habits
    World Environment Day 2015: 8 Environment-Friendly Eating Habits

    World Environment Day (WED) is observed every year on 5th June to raise global awareness about various environmental concerns.

  • World Environment Day 2016: 5 of Your Favourite Foods Predicted to Go Extinct
    World Environment Day 2016: 5 of Your Favourite Foods Predicted to Go Extinct

    On World Environment Day, let's awaken our conscience. With every passing year, the environment is getting degraded and rumours are afloat that if this continues, we might not be able to devour our favourite foods ...

  • Over 24 Nations Agree to Reduce 12.6 Million Annual Pollution Deaths
    Over 24 Nations Agree to Reduce 12.6 Million Annual Pollution Deaths

    Health and environment officials from over 24 countries have committed to reducing the annual 12.6 million deaths due to pollution, the World Health Organisation and United Nations Environment Programme have said.

  • A Cooler Environment Can Help in Weight Loss
    A Cooler Environment Can Help in Weight Loss

    Most studies will tell you that during winter months we tend to eat more and the cold weather drives us towards those high-carb foods that keep you warm and cozy. But, this latest study has ...

  • Did You Know? Dia Mirza Carries Her Own Steel Glass For Zero Waste Travel
    Did You Know? Dia Mirza Carries Her Own Steel Glass For Zero Waste Travel

    Actress Dia Mirza revealed that she carries her own steel glass to reduce waste while travelling.

  • CSE Calls for Testing of Processed Food for Pesticides
    CSE Calls for Testing of Processed Food for Pesticides

    The Centre for Science and Environment Thursday demanded periodical testing of packaged and processed food, including soft drinks, for pesticides.Hailing the recent Supreme Court order asking the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) ...

  • Beef Pollutes More Than Pork, Poultry
    Beef Pollutes More Than Pork, Poultry

    Raising beef for the American dinner table does far more damage to the environment than producing pork, poultry, eggs or dairy, a new study says.Compared with the other animal proteins, beef produces five times more ...

Environment - 1 Web Stories Result(s)
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    5 Ways To Make Your Kitchen Eco-Friendly
    Jun 04 2024
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