Union Minister Ram Vilas Paswan said labels printed on food items should carry only "expiry date", and not "best before".
FSSAI is taking steps to regulate e-commerce Food Business operators for consumer health protection and to promote transparency.
We often ignore checking the labels on the packets of food ingredients we buy. And that is exactly where we go wrong.
Several foods in our pantry might not last as long as you think. Check them out below:
FoodBanking Network, headed by Sam Pitroda, plans to set up two food banks in Ahmedabad and Mumbai this year to feed the poor. Food banks are set up to store food products nearing expiry date ...
The issue highlights the difficulty firms have to control food quality and safety in supply chains and outlets in China, which can cause serious headaches with regulators and hit sales.
Admit it, you've often walked into a supermarket and walked out with more groceries than you'd set out to buy. So here are a few tips on how to save money on groceries.
The Essencia 2008 Magnum Decanter comes with an expiry date of 2300 and the makers have sold about eleven of them till date.
Shelf life of fruits is milited. Often, we end up either consuming mouldy fruits by mistake or tossing them out if we are smart enough to spot the rotten ones.
While food labels offer crucial insights about the product, it's essential for consumers to comprehend the information presented