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Gut microbiota

'Gut Microbiota' - 12 New Result(s)
  • Gut Microbes Respond Differently To Different Foods With Same Nutritional Profile: Study
    Gut Microbes Respond Differently To Different Foods With Same Nutritional Profile: Study

    A new study has said indicated that the relationship between our diet and its components, and the bacteria in our gut, is more complex that we may have thought earlier.

  • Whole Body Vibration May Help Digest Food And Reduce Diabetic Inflammation: Study
    Whole Body Vibration May Help Digest Food And Reduce Diabetic Inflammation: Study

    Researchers have found that WBV (Whole Body Vibration) alters the microbiome that helps protect us from invaders and also help digest our food.

  • Loose Motion Troubles? Here's The Secret Ingredient To Restore Your Gut Health
    Loose Motion Troubles? Here's The Secret Ingredient To Restore Your Gut Health

    A diet that lacks enough dietary fibre directly affects the gut microbiota, which further deteriorates the protective mucus lining in the colon, the study reads.

  • How to Feed a Happy, Healthy Gut
    How to Feed a Happy, Healthy Gut

    If you ever feel like it's you against the world, consider how your gut microbiota feels.

  • Prebiotics For Weight Loss: How Prebiotic Fibre Can Help You In Reducing Body Fat
    Prebiotics For Weight Loss: How Prebiotic Fibre Can Help You In Reducing Body Fat

    Prebiotics For Weight Loss: Prebiotics are said to be non-digestible carbohydrates, which are used up by the gut microbiota and are usually present in foods that are rich in fibre.

  • Red Wine's Good For Your Gut, Says Study
    Red Wine's Good For Your Gut, Says Study

    People who drink red wine have increased gut microbiota diversity as well as lower levels of obesity and bad cholesterol.

  • Love Sugary Beverages? Study Shows How It May Affect Your Gut Health And Increase Diabetes Risk
    Love Sugary Beverages? Study Shows How It May Affect Your Gut Health And Increase Diabetes Risk

    In addition to changes in gut microbiota, the researchers also found associations between sugary beverage consumption and 56 serum metabolites.

  • You May Now Be Able to Resist Your Guilty Pleasure Treats
    You May Now Be Able to Resist Your Guilty Pleasure Treats

    Scientists at Imperial College London have developed an ingredient called inulin-propionate ester to investigate the role of propionate molecule produced by the gut microbiota in human health.

  • Obese and Lean Children Have Different Gut Bacteria
    Obese and Lean Children Have Different Gut Bacteria

    Smaller amounts of the other four microbial groups were found in participants, who were obese compared to children and teenagers of normal weight.

  • Probiotic Drinks And Gut-Healthy Foods May Help Alleviate Anxiety Symptoms: Study
    Probiotic Drinks And Gut-Healthy Foods May Help Alleviate Anxiety Symptoms: Study

    A new study has now said that regulating gut microbiota may also help in alleviating anxiety- a condition characterised by excessive and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations.

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