Food Awards

Health Innovation

Health Innovation - 6 News Result(s)
  • New Bandage Senses Temperature, Releases Medicine
    New Bandage Senses Temperature, Releases Medicine

    Engineers have designed a sticking bandage that releases medicine in response to changes in skin temperature.

  • Indian Research to Help Develop Voice Test for Alzheimer's
    Indian Research to Help Develop Voice Test for Alzheimer's

    An Indian researcher is currently using electroencephalogram (EEG) and auditory feedback to determine how Alzheimer's patients respond to various speech tasks, and if their responses differ from those of Parkinson's patients.

  • Google Launches Fit App to Take on Apple's Health and Samsung's S Health
    Google Launches Fit App to Take on Apple's Health and Samsung's S Health

    Google unveils its health-push with new Android app that counts activity, calories and steps, while connecting to Android Wear smart-watches and other appsGoogle is the latest tech company to enter the health and fitness game ...

  • Researchers Have Developed a Mini-Heart On Microchip
    Researchers Have Developed a Mini-Heart On Microchip

    The tiny heart is hardly the width of a human hair and was created with human-induced pluripotent stem cells.

  • A Dollar is Enough to Get Tested for Prostate Cancer
    A Dollar is Enough to Get Tested for Prostate Cancer

    The test has been shown to be more sensitive and exact than the current standard test for early-stage prostate cancer, scientists say

  • Personalised Cancer Treatment a Step Closer With World's First 'Living Biobank'
    Personalised Cancer Treatment a Step Closer With World's First 'Living Biobank'

    Tissue grown from biopsies shown to closely mimic patients' tumours, allowing researchers to study specific mutations and identify most promising drugs.

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