Food Awards

Kids Obesity

Kids Obesity - 11 News Result(s)
  • Kids' Obesity Risk Starts Before School Age
    Kids' Obesity Risk Starts Before School Age

    A new study which was published in this week's New England Journal of Medicine and paid for by the U.S. government finds that much of a child's "weight fate" is set by age 5, and ...

  • Address Your Kid's Emotions to Ward Off Childhood Obesity
    Address Your Kid's Emotions to Ward Off Childhood Obesity

    Does you mom often punish you or dismiss your emotions instead of being sensitive to your distress and teach you how to handle those feelings? You may run a higher chance of obesity. "A child ...

  • Obesity in Teenage Girls Linked to Poor School Grades
    Obesity in Teenage Girls Linked to Poor School Grades

    Obese adolescent girls have lower academic attainment levels throughout their teenage years, according to a new study. The results of the research conducted by the Universitiesof Dundee, Strathclyde, Georgia and Bristol showed that girls who ...

  • Obese kids? Don't live near fast food joints
    Obese kids? Don't live near fast food joints

    That friendly fast food kiosk at the corner of your street could be the reason for your child's unwanted weight gain! Children living in areas surrounded by fast food outlets are more likely to be ...

  • Make Your Child Follow a Routine, It Can Help Cut Obesity Risk
    Make Your Child Follow a Routine, It Can Help Cut Obesity Risk

    Children with greater emotional dysregulation were more likely to be obese later, researchers said.

  • Overfed Foetus May Become an Overweight Adolescent
    Overfed Foetus May Become an Overweight Adolescent

    Being over weight at birth also corresponded to the increase of fat mass in children at ages 9 and 17.

  • Use Of Antibiotic During Childhood May Lead To Obesity
    Use Of Antibiotic During Childhood May Lead To Obesity

    A diet high in refined sugars, processed grains and high fat coupled with a lack of exercise are huge risks for weight gain," Eneli said, she is part of a national research project -- the ...

  • Obese Children Run the Risk of Heart Disease: Study
    Obese Children Run the Risk of Heart Disease: Study

    Researchers have sounded warning bells on obese children as young as five-year-old who could be potential candidates for stroke or heart attack later in life.Obese or overweight young children have already been found to have ...

  • Jamie Oliver calls for crackdown on junk food being sold near schools
    Jamie Oliver calls for crackdown on junk food being sold near schools

    Chef says outlets being allowed to sell fast food close to schools is in conflict with the investment in food educationCampaigning chef Jamie Oliver has demanded a crackdown on the "crazy" policy of fast food ...

  • Drinking Milk in Pregnancy Helps Kids Gain Height
    Drinking Milk in Pregnancy Helps Kids Gain Height

    A new study has found taking milk during pregnancy benefits children well into their early adulthood. It helps the children gain better height than those whose mothers did not take it adequately.Earlier studies said babies ...

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