Food Awards

Maize Flour Recipes

Maize Flour Recipes - 3 News Result(s)
  • Nachos, Tacos And More: 5 Yummy Recipes To Make From Makke Ka Atta (Maize Flour)
    Nachos, Tacos And More: 5 Yummy Recipes To Make From Makke Ka Atta (Maize Flour)

    When winters arrive, our go-to dish becomes makke ki roti and sarso saag. But this time, here we bring you some other yummy recipes that you can make from makke ka atta!

  • Beyond Makki ki Roti: 3 Delicious Maize Flour Recipes
    Beyond Makki ki Roti: 3 Delicious Maize Flour Recipes

    Maize flour or cornmeal is made using the dried corn grain, which is milled into a smooth, pale yellow coloured flour. Here are 3 delicious maize recipes.

  • Makki Ka Dhokla: This Innovative Dhokla Recipe From Rajasthan Is A Must Try (Recipe Inside)
    Makki Ka Dhokla: This Innovative Dhokla Recipe From Rajasthan Is A Must Try (Recipe Inside)

    Rajasthani Makki ka dhokla is a vegetarian, spongy and savoury steamed cake recipe.

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