Food Awards


Naps - 1 Recipes Result(s)
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    • 30 mins
Naps - 13 News Result(s)
  • Just 20 Minutes of Afternoon Power Nap Can Boost Your Creativity at Work
    Just 20 Minutes of Afternoon Power Nap Can Boost Your Creativity at Work

    According to a new study, a 20-minute power nap in the afternoon is good as it can boost people/employees' creativity and problem-solving ability.

  • Can Long Naps Cause Diabetes?
    Can Long Naps Cause Diabetes?

    A study presented at a scientific congress, reported a link between long naps and a higher risk of diabetes, though it couldn't say if daytime sleeping was a symptom or a cause.

  • An Hour-Long Nap May Boost Memory, Thinking In Elderly
    An Hour-Long Nap May Boost Memory, Thinking In Elderly

    An hour-long nap after lunch may help older adults to preserve their memories, improve their ability to think clearly as well as to make decisions, a study has found.

  • Short Naps Under 30 minutes Can Make You Happier: Study
    Short Naps Under 30 minutes Can Make You Happier: Study

    Researchers have linked short naps under 30 minutes to increased levels of happiness, naming the state that follows as 'nappiness'

  • This Jordan Restaurant Allows Post-Meal Naps, Twitter Is Loving It
    This Jordan Restaurant Allows Post-Meal Naps, Twitter Is Loving It

    A restaurant in the city of Amman is offering its customers a space to have a quick power nap after they eat the heavy Levantine dish named Mansaf.

  • Stay Up: Long Daytime Naps Could Increase Risk of Diabetes
    Stay Up: Long Daytime Naps Could Increase Risk of Diabetes

    While taking a short nap may be good for your health, extending it to an hour or more significantly increases risk of developing diabetes, says a new study.

  • Sleep-Deprived Kids Eat More
    Sleep-Deprived Kids Eat More

    Young kids who miss daytime nap and also stay up late at night are likely to consume more calories, suggests new research.

  • Why Good Nap Time is Essential for Kids to Develop Language Skills
    Why Good Nap Time is Essential for Kids to Develop Language Skills

    Researchers believe that sleep affects learning and memory. Toddlers' require regular nap to improve language skills.

  • The Real Reason: Why Do We Feel Sleepy After Eating Lunch?
    The Real Reason: Why Do We Feel Sleepy After Eating Lunch?

    Here's the real reason why we feel sleeping after having lunch.

  • Know How Weekend Nap Time Could Cut Diabetes Risk
    Know How Weekend Nap Time Could Cut Diabetes Risk

    A new study done by the University of Chicago states that two consecutive nights of -catch up- sleep on the weekend can reverse the increased risk of diabetes associated with short-term sleep deficit during the ...

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