Food Awards

Neck Exercises

Neck Exercises - 3 News Result(s)
  • Straighten Up: 5 Effective Neck Pain Exercises
    Straighten Up: 5 Effective Neck Pain Exercises

    The neck muscles are under constant strain - while working, studying or improper posture. Here are 5 effective exercises to help you get rid of neck pain.

  • Tai Chi May Help Relieve Chronic Neck Pain: Study
    Tai Chi May Help Relieve Chronic Neck Pain: Study

    Tai Chi, a Chinese martial art practise, may be as effective as exercises in relieving persistent neck pain, a new Harvard study has claimed.

  • Yoga for Success: Simple Neck Exercises For Intellectual Sharpness
    Yoga for Success: Simple Neck Exercises For Intellectual Sharpness

    One of the major principles of yoga is positive thinking. An optimistic person even after facing failures in life will always look up to the brighter side of the situations.

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