Food Awards


'Obbattu' - 2 New Result(s)
  • Obbattu or Puran Poli: The Art of Making the Stuffed Indian Sweet Bread
    Obbattu or Puran Poli: The Art of Making the Stuffed Indian Sweet Bread

    I don't know whether other countries combine flour and lentils in a sweet dish quite as deliciously as we do in India. The Parsis have their Dar ni Pori, a thick, toothsome layer of sweetened ...

  • Ganesh Chaturthi 2023 Special: Love Puran Poli? Try Its South Indian Version Obbattu
    Ganesh Chaturthi 2023 Special: Love Puran Poli? Try Its South Indian Version Obbattu

    At the very first glance, both puran poli and obbattu look the same. But if you dive in deep, there are some basic differences in the ingredients. Take a look.

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