

'Pepsi' - 37 New Result(s)
  • PepsiCo Revives Diet Pepsi With Aspartame After Only a Year
    PepsiCo Revives Diet Pepsi With Aspartame After Only a Year

    PepsiCo, struggling to cope with plunging sales and unpredictable consumers, is bringing back its old Diet Pepsi formula less than a year after phasing it out.

  • Pepsi's New Logo Is Trending, But Is It A Hit or Miss? Twitter Weighs In
    Pepsi's New Logo Is Trending, But Is It A Hit or Miss? Twitter Weighs In

    A statement released by Pepsi explained the new look will be rolled out in the North American market this fall, during their 125th anniversary, and globally by 2024.

  • - Internet Shocked By Momos Made With Pepsi">
    "Zeher Momos" - Internet Shocked By Momos Made With Pepsi

    Viral video of Pepsi momos got mixed reactions from the viewers. Watch it here.

  • Wait, What? Man Addicted To Pepsi Drank 10 Litres A Day For 20 Years
    Wait, What? Man Addicted To Pepsi Drank 10 Litres A Day For 20 Years

    A UK man who spent around $8500 a year on guzzling 10 litres of Pepsi a day for two decades cured after turning to hypnotherapy.

  • Pepsi Introduces Colachup - Its A Ketchup!
    Pepsi Introduces Colachup - Its A Ketchup!

    Pepsi ketchup - the internet is not quite pleased with the latest offering.

  • Pepsi Launches Maple Syrup Cola; Internet Reacts
    Pepsi Launches Maple Syrup Cola; Internet Reacts

    These are just for USA-based consumers and will not be available at any retail store. Instead, people have to participate in a contest.

  • Crystal Pepsi: Pepsico Brings Back Clear Soda To Mark Its 30th Anniversary
    Crystal Pepsi: Pepsico Brings Back Clear Soda To Mark Its 30th Anniversary

    Pepsi recently took to its Twitter to announce the comeback and an online contest to win the Crystal Pepsi.

  • Italian Man Has Collection Of More Than 12,000 Soda Cans; Breaks Record
    Italian Man Has Collection Of More Than 12,000 Soda Cans; Breaks Record

    According to Guinness World Records, Christian Cavaletti began collecting Pepsi cans in 1989. His collection has cans from all over the world.

  • Coca Cola, Pepsi May Improve Men's Sexual Health - New Study Finds
    Coca Cola, Pepsi May Improve Men's Sexual Health - New Study Finds

    It was also found that high doses of carbonated drinks may also improve testosterone secretion in the male. Read on to know more.

  • Group Finds Cancer-Causing Carcinogen in Pepsi
    Group Finds Cancer-Causing Carcinogen in Pepsi

    An environmental group said Wednesday that the caramel coloring used in Pepsi still contains a worrisome level of a carcinogen, even after the drink maker said it would change its formula.In March, PepsiCo Inc. and ...

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