Food Awards

Physical health

'Physical Health' - 5 New Result(s)
  • Surprising: How A Woman's Sense of Smell Can Affect Her Social Life
    Surprising: How A Woman's Sense of Smell Can Affect Her Social Life

    The findings, published in the journal Scientific Reports, show that women who have a strong sense of small may have a thriving social life due to better physical and mental health.

  • Health Questions Likely to Yield Unhelpful Responses from Your Phone
    Health Questions Likely to Yield Unhelpful Responses from Your Phone

    A study looked at how well Siri, Google Now, S Voice from Samsung and Cortana from Microsoft respond to simple questions related to mental and physical health and violence.

  • Negative Thoughts and Irritability Can be the Early Signs of Stress
    Negative Thoughts and Irritability Can be the Early Signs of Stress

    According to a survey conducted by 'YourDost', an online counselling and emotional wellness portal, one of the reasons of rising stress levels is the changing lifestyle.

  • Yale Researchers Find the Part of the Brain That Determines How Well You Handle Stress
    Yale Researchers Find the Part of the Brain That Determines How Well You Handle Stress

    The scientists studied the brains of 30 adult volunteers with no history of mental or physical health issues as they watched a slideshow of gruesome and terrifying images for six minutes.

  • This Ramadan Kareem, Detox Both Your Health and Mind: 7 Benefits of a Soulful Eating
    This Ramadan Kareem, Detox Both Your Health and Mind: 7 Benefits of a Soulful Eating

    A healthy mind resides in a healthy body therefore it is advised to keep our bodies healthy, be it mentally, spiritually, emotionally or physically. Ramadan, the holy month is the perfect time to purify toxic ...

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