

Psychology - 41 News Result(s)
  • Drinking Beverages From Red Cups Could Lower Your Sugar Intake - Nutritionist Claims
    Drinking Beverages From Red Cups Could Lower Your Sugar Intake - Nutritionist Claims

    Recently, nutritionist Deepshika Jain took to her Instagram handle to explain how there's a strong link between colour and taste. Read on to know more.

  • Effects of Depression: It Can Damage Memory Power
    Effects of Depression: It Can Damage Memory Power

    According to a study, depression can affect our memory power. Depressive thoughts can linger for long in affected people once they enter memory.

  • Brisk Walk Boosts Memory in Breast Cancer Survivors
    Brisk Walk Boosts Memory in Breast Cancer Survivors

    Physical activity alleviates stress and benefits women psychologically, which in turn aids their memory, the study said.

  • Chronic Anxiety After Stress Linked to Immune System
    Chronic Anxiety After Stress Linked to Immune System

    Immune cells in the spleen can contribute to prolonged anxiety following psychological stress

  • Yoga can Improve Mental Health for Kids under Home Care
    Yoga can Improve Mental Health for Kids under Home Care

    Regular practise of Kundalini Yoga can potentially help improve the health and psychological well being of children as well as the workforce in residential care homes, a study has found.

  • Women's Health: Load Up on Fruits and Veggies to Cut Psychological Stress
    Women's Health: Load Up on Fruits and Veggies to Cut Psychological Stress

    Women who consume 5-7 servings of fruit and vegetables daily reduces 23 per cent risk of developing psychological stress, says a new study.

  • Foods To Cure Angry Or Hostile Mood: Ayurvedic Home Remedies And Diet To Cool Temper
    Foods To Cure Angry Or Hostile Mood: Ayurvedic Home Remedies And Diet To Cool Temper

    There are hardly any physical or psychological problems that Ayurveda doesn't have answers to. Here's a simple Ayurvedic diet to cool down tempers and treat anger and hostility.

  • Eating Disorders Aren't What You Think; Experts Bust Myths
    Eating Disorders Aren't What You Think; Experts Bust Myths

    The Academy of Eating Disorders has released a list of things they say people should know about eating disorders.

  • Restaurant Menu Psychology: Tricks to Make Us Order More
    Restaurant Menu Psychology: Tricks to Make Us Order More

    From wine-appropriate music to authentic-sounding foreign names, restaurateurs have many ways to persuade diners into ordering high-profit meals.It's not always easy trying to read a menu while hungry like the wolf, woozy from aperitif and ...

  • The science behind stuffing your face at Christmas
    The science behind stuffing your face at Christmas

    Feeling full, psychology and how festive food and drink make a monster of your appetiteThe amount of food we can put away on Christmas day is as impressive as it is excessive. Chocolates and mince ...

Psychology - 1 Web Stories Result(s)
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    Is Your Plate Colour Secretly Making You Overeat?
    Feb 04 2025
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