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Radiation - 20 News Result(s)
  • Cancer from Radiation: Is Your Smartphone Really the Culprit?
    Cancer from Radiation: Is Your Smartphone Really the Culprit?

    If you are terrified after reading studies claiming that cellphone radiation is a menacing health hazard and can even cause brain cancer, nothing could be further from the truth.

  • High-Dose Radiotherapy May Increase Lifespan of Pancreatic Cancer Patients
    High-Dose Radiotherapy May Increase Lifespan of Pancreatic Cancer Patients

    According to a new study done, patients with early stage pancreatic cancer have more chances to live longer if they receive radiotherapy at a high enough dose.

  • Can X-Rays and CT Scans Cause Cancer?
    Can X-Rays and CT Scans Cause Cancer?

    To estimate cancer risk from low-dose radiation, scientists used a model known as linear no-threshold (LNT) in the study published in American Journal of Clinical Oncology.

  • Apollo Astronauts at Higher Risk of Cardiovascular Deaths: Study
    Apollo Astronauts at Higher Risk of Cardiovascular Deaths: Study

    Members of the successful Apollo space programme are experiencing higher rates of cardiovascular problems thought to be caused by their exposure to deep space radiation, according to a new study.

  • New Radiation Injections for Better Cancer Treatment in the Offing
    New Radiation Injections for Better Cancer Treatment in the Offing

    Cancer Australia estimated that 17,586 women would be diagnosed with breast cancer in Australia in 2017.

  • Cabbage Compound Protects Against Radiation
    Cabbage Compound Protects Against Radiation

    A compound derived from cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli may protect against harmful effects of radiation during cancer therapy, scientists have found.Georgetown University Medical Center researchers found the compound,...

  • Is Your Cell Phone Harming Your Health? Centre Asks for In-Depth Research
    Is Your Cell Phone Harming Your Health? Centre Asks for In-Depth Research

    In the backdrop of the recently concluded spectrum auctions, the science and technology ministry has commissioned research studies on health aspects of mobile phone radiations from 16 scientific institutions.

  • Using Cell Phone Late At Night May Put Teenagers at Risk of Depression
    Using Cell Phone Late At Night May Put Teenagers at Risk of Depression

    Late night mobile phone use has devastating effects on teenagers' mental health, says a new study. The process was conducted as an annual survey over four years.

  • Is it Safe to Heat Food in a Microwave Oven?
    Is it Safe to Heat Food in a Microwave Oven?

    The increasing awareness towards our health has sparked several debates about the safety of using a microwave oven to heat or cook food. We set out to clarify the veracity of the claim - is ...

  • Is It Safe To Heat Food In Microwave? Expert Reveals
    Is It Safe To Heat Food In Microwave? Expert Reveals

    The debate around cooking in the microwave actually goes beyond taste-it is about radiation entering the food (and hence our body), it is about the destruction of nutrients in the food, and definitely about the ...

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