Food Awards

Respiratory problems

'Respiratory Problems' - 6 New Result(s)
  • Air Purifiers Can Prevent Respiratory Problems, Suggest Doctors
    Air Purifiers Can Prevent Respiratory Problems, Suggest Doctors

    Installation of air purifiers can be an easy way to prevent respiratory problems caused by indoor air pollution, doctors say.

  • Vitamin C May Help Treat Severe Coronavirus Cases: Study; Experts Suggest Eating These Foods
    Vitamin C May Help Treat Severe Coronavirus Cases: Study; Experts Suggest Eating These Foods

    Vitamin C Diet: Include these foods in your diet to achieve vitamin C sufficiency in times of COVID-19. Study claims vitamin C may help in the treatment of patents with severe Coronavirus cases.

  • How to Do Anulom Vilom: A Pranayam Technique For Breathing Problems
    How to Do Anulom Vilom: A Pranayam Technique For Breathing Problems

    Anulom Vilom, also known as the alternate breathing technique, is excellent for respiratory problems and asthma. It facilitates proper functioning of the lungs, mitigates stress, lifts up your mood and keeps stress at bay.

  • A Child's Brain Development May Be Affected By Air Pollution: Experts
    A Child's Brain Development May Be Affected By Air Pollution: Experts

    The health experts, whose claim is based on several studies, said that the difference between the working memory capacity of children living in urban areas is 4-5 per cent lower than children living in rural ...

  • Why I Didn't Burst Crackers This Diwali (and Maybe You Shouldn't Too)
    Why I Didn't Burst Crackers This Diwali (and Maybe You Shouldn't Too)

    I love the month of Diwali. The period between Dussehra and Diwali is my favourite time of the year. But when my daughter can't breathe the morning after, it makes me question our obsession with ...

  • Moldy Food: Can You Salvage It?
    Moldy Food: Can You Salvage It?

    Molds are fungi that live on food and plants. They are thread-like and produce spores that can be transported by air, water or insects.

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