
Rose Dessert

Rose Dessert - 1 Recipes Result(s)
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    • 4 50 mins
Rose Dessert - 2 News Result(s)
  • 5 Delicious Recipes You Can Make With Rose Petals
    5 Delicious Recipes You Can Make With Rose Petals

    Roses are a feast for the senses - sight, smell and taste! Check out five incredible and simple recipes prepared with delicate rose petals.

  • Gulab Seviyan Kheer: Rich And Luscious Seviyan For Your Sweet Cravings
    Gulab Seviyan Kheer: Rich And Luscious Seviyan For Your Sweet Cravings

    Bored of having the same seviyan kheer? Here is a creamy and luscious version of seviyan kheer with a rosy twist to it.

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