
Rotten Food

Rotten Food - 4 News Result(s)
  • Moldy Food: Can You Salvage It?
    Moldy Food: Can You Salvage It?

    Molds are fungi that live on food and plants. They are thread-like and produce spores that can be transported by air, water or insects.

  • Inspection At Rajasthan High Court Canteens Reveals Rotten Potatoes, Dirty Utensils, Fungus In Fridge
    Inspection At Rajasthan High Court Canteens Reveals Rotten Potatoes, Dirty Utensils, Fungus In Fridge

    A recent food safety inspection conducted across canteens operating in the Rajasthan High Court premises uncovered several safety and hygiene violations.

  • Moldy Food: Surprising Foods You Can Still Eat (And The Ones You Should Toss)
    Moldy Food: Surprising Foods You Can Still Eat (And The Ones You Should Toss)

    When it comes to mouldy food, knowing what's safe and what's not can help prevent food waste while keeping you healthy.

  • 5 Smelly Foods To Avoid In Your School Or Office Lunch Box
    5 Smelly Foods To Avoid In Your School Or Office Lunch Box

    Some foods taste great but can build up an unpleasant smell when packed in a lunch box. Here are six popular Indian foods to avoid in the tiffin.

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