Food Awards

Rotten food

'Rotten Food' - 3 New Result(s)
  • Moldy Food: Can You Salvage It?
    Moldy Food: Can You Salvage It?

    Molds are fungi that live on food and plants. They are thread-like and produce spores that can be transported by air, water or insects.

  • Inspection At Rajasthan High Court Canteens Reveals Rotten Potatoes, Dirty Utensils, Fungus In Fridge
    Inspection At Rajasthan High Court Canteens Reveals Rotten Potatoes, Dirty Utensils, Fungus In Fridge

    A recent food safety inspection conducted across canteens operating in the Rajasthan High Court premises uncovered several safety and hygiene violations.

  • 5 Smelly Foods To Avoid In Your School Or Office Lunch Box
    5 Smelly Foods To Avoid In Your School Or Office Lunch Box

    Some foods taste great but can build up an unpleasant smell when packed in a lunch box. Here are six popular Indian foods to avoid in the tiffin.

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