Food Awards

Screen time

'Screen Time' - 8 New Result(s)
  • Can Moderate Screen Time Increase Teenagers' Well-Being?
    Can Moderate Screen Time Increase Teenagers' Well-Being?

    Spending hours in front of digital screen may be harmful for adolescents.

  • Doctors Confirm: Screen Time Affects Teens' Sleep
    Doctors Confirm: Screen Time Affects Teens' Sleep

    Parents have long suspected it, but now doctors have proof: the more time teenagers spend on computers or mobile phones, the less they sleep -- especially if the gadget is used just before bedtime.

  • Obesity: Not Just Unhealthy Diet, Excessive Screen Time Also Leads To Weight Gain In Kids
    Obesity: Not Just Unhealthy Diet, Excessive Screen Time Also Leads To Weight Gain In Kids

    A new study has found a link between amounts of screen time and obesity in kids. The study has indicated that kids who spend a lot of time in front of television and phone screens ...

  • More Than 3 Hours of Smartphones and TV Can Put Kids at Diabetes Risk
    More Than 3 Hours of Smartphones and TV Can Put Kids at Diabetes Risk

    Not only is the heavy exposure to the smartphones and TV affecting their eyes and brains, a recent study suggests that children are at risk of developing diabetes.

  • Screen Time, Phone use Linked to Less Sleep for Teens
    Screen Time, Phone use Linked to Less Sleep for Teens

    Digital distractions, and a more classical one, talking on the phone, are linked to shorter sleeping time and greater daytime sleepiness for teens, Canadian researchers say.

  • Make Your Child Follow a Routine, It Can Help Cut Obesity Risk
    Make Your Child Follow a Routine, It Can Help Cut Obesity Risk

    Children with greater emotional dysregulation were more likely to be obese later, researchers said.

  • TV in Your Kids' Room May Make Them Prone to Obesity: Research
    TV in Your Kids' Room May Make Them Prone to Obesity: Research

    The causes of obesity are complex and multiple. Screen time is a part of the bigger picture.

  • Brain Health: 5 Common Foods That May Help Improve Brain Health
    Brain Health: 5 Common Foods That May Help Improve Brain Health

    Along with exercise, meditation, and reducing screen time, food also plays a major role in helping you improve brain health.

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