Food Awards

Sexual health

'Sexual Health' - 6 New Result(s)
  • 5 Foods That Can Improve Your Sexual Health
    5 Foods That Can Improve Your Sexual Health

    Diet For Sexual Health: We found about some common foods that can amp your sexual appetite, and since they are coming from an expert, they are worth a try.

  • Coca Cola, Pepsi May Improve Men's Sexual Health - New Study Finds
    Coca Cola, Pepsi May Improve Men's Sexual Health - New Study Finds

    It was also found that high doses of carbonated drinks may also improve testosterone secretion in the male. Read on to know more.

  • 6 Juices That Boost Testosterone - Add Them To Your Diet Today
    6 Juices That Boost Testosterone - Add Them To Your Diet Today

    Find out which are the juices that help in building testosterone level in our body. These can help in boosting your sexual health.

  • Regular Cycling May Not Have A Negative Impact On Male Sexual Health: Study
    Regular Cycling May Not Have A Negative Impact On Male Sexual Health: Study

    The new study revealed that the benefits of cycling "far outweigh the risks" and instead provides a host cardiovascular benefits.

  • International Men's Day 2019: Eating Nuts May Help Improve Your Sexual Performance
    International Men's Day 2019: Eating Nuts May Help Improve Your Sexual Performance

    International Men's Day 2019: As men start to grow old, it gets imperative for them to pay maximum attention to their health. While lack of physical exercise, unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyle may have ...

  • Pumpkin Seeds For Men's Health: A Man's Best Friend?
    Pumpkin Seeds For Men's Health: A Man's Best Friend?

    These crispy and bite-sized seeds of the pumpkin fruit are available year-round and packed with nutrients that can greatly benefit men's health! From prostate health to male fertility, to plant-based protein intake, pumkin seeds are ...

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