Increased muscle strength may help to improve brain function in adults who suffer from mild cognitive impairment (MCI), shows a new study.
If you're in your 30s, then a simple grip strength test could help identify whether you'll face problems like loss of muscle independence, sarcopenia or even a shorter life-span. A study that appeared in the ...
Want to improve your bone health? Try including these healthy foods that are high sources of calcium and Vitamin D.
According to Michael Greger, flavonoids found in natural, non-alkalised cocoa are associated with improved blood circulation and reduced inflammation.
In Original Strength parlance, crawling is a "reset." And by "pressing reset" on your body - the way you would on your phone - you can bring back the strength and mobility you've lost over ...
Science has found an answer to why frequent drinkers tend to lose muscle strength. Mitochondria - organelles that produce the energy needed for muscle, brain, and every other cell in the body - stop self ...
Vegans need to guard against neurologic disorders, anemia, reduced bone strength and other health concerns as their diet may lack vital nutrient intake, a new study has warned.
We provide you a complete guide for maintaining core strength and tone lower abdominal muscles, aka lower abs.
Strength training, traditionally favored by body builders seeking to bulk up, has become the go-to regimen for athletes, weekend warriors and exercise enthusiasts determined to slim down. Fitness experts say metabolic strength training, a high-intensity,...
Exercise therapy is as effective as surgery for middle-aged patients with a common type of knee injury known as meniscal tear, a study has revealed.