Food Awards

Sugar based drinks

'Sugar Based Drinks' - 8 New Result(s)
  • Sugar Tax: For Supporters, 2016 May be the Sweet Spot
    Sugar Tax: For Supporters, 2016 May be the Sweet Spot

    2016 could be the year of the sugar tax, as several large nations consider levies on sweetened food and drinks to battle obesity and fatten government coffers.

  • Sugar Rush: Global Diet Gets Sweeter in Developing Countries
    Sugar Rush: Global Diet Gets Sweeter in Developing Countries

    A study states that the global diet is getting sweeter particularly when it comes to beverages, warning that added sugars of all kinds are increasing rapidly in the diets of people living in developing countries.

  • Sugar-Free Drinks Could Be The Reason to Your Dental Woes
    Sugar-Free Drinks Could Be The Reason to Your Dental Woes

    Sugar-free drinks can cause measurable damage to the tooth enamel, says a new study.

  • Studies Find Reducing Sugary Drinks Cuts Calories, But only a Few
    Studies Find Reducing Sugary Drinks Cuts Calories, But only a Few

    A gradual reduction in drinks' sugar content over five years - without replacing it with artificial sweeteners - is the best approach.

  • Why It's a Bad Idea to Take Food Advice From Celebrities
    Why It's a Bad Idea to Take Food Advice From Celebrities

    For many American teens, the stars of pop music are like gods. They want to dress like them, talk like them, dance like them and perhaps even eat like them.

  • Adults Tend to Buy More of Calorie Foods From Supermarkets
    Adults Tend to Buy More of Calorie Foods From Supermarkets

    Adults prefer to buy more of sugar-sweetened beverages and nutrient-poor discretionary foods from supermarkets and grocery stores, according to a study.

  • There Is Hidden Sugar In These 5 Supermarket Products. Watch Out!
    There Is Hidden Sugar In These 5 Supermarket Products. Watch Out!

    Trying to avoid sugar? Good decision we say.Cutting down on sugary goods is definitely a major achievement. But that is just a part of the challenge; your aim of going sugar-free is not complete until ...

  • Britain's Fight Against Obesity May Result in High Tax on Sugary Drinks
    Britain's Fight Against Obesity May Result in High Tax on Sugary Drinks

    Extra 20 percent tax on sugar-based drinks to fight Britain's rising obesity epidemic.

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