The truth about meal supplements no one's telling you - time to set the record straight!
Multi-vitamins, diet pills and energy boosters may not be the harmless substances you think they are. In the first study of its kind.
Consumption of certain nutrients is linked to lower risk of death if the source of those nutrients lie in natural foods instead of supplements, revealed a latest study published in the Journal Annals of Internal ...
Scientists have developed a new diet pill that could help people lose weight more effectively by tricking the body into thinking it has consumed a meal.
some adolescents who work out rigorously and eat excessively may fall prey to a condition called 'muscularity-oriented disordered eating behaviours
Supplements sold for weight loss, muscle building and energy boost posed three times more the risk of heart-related ailments as compared to vitamin supplements.
You can make your own protein shakes and salads at home, with all natural foods, which can naturally give a protein spike to your diet. We have listed some easy-to-make shakes for a high protein ...